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Chemistry Courses

CHEM 105: Principles of Chemistry I

Atomic structure; thermochemistry; periodicity, bonding and molecular structure; intermolecular forces; properties of solids; liquids, gases and solutions. Recommended preparation: One year of high school chemistry.

Dates: June 2 - July 9, 2025

Session: 5 Week Session

Dates: Online course

Session: Online

Time: asynchronous

Instructor: Drew Meyer

Credits: 3 credits

Department: Chemistry

CHEM 106: Principles of Chemistry II

Thermodynamics, chemical equilibrium; acid/base chemistry; oxidation and reduction; kinetics; spectroscopy; introduction to nuclear, organic, inorganic, and polymer chemistry.

Prereq: CHEM 105 or CHEM 111.


Dates: July 10 - August 6, 2025

Session: 4 Week Session (2)

Dates: Online course

Session: Online

Time: asynchronous

Instructor: Drew Meyer

Credits: 3 credits

Department: Chemistry

CHEM 113: Principles of Chemistry Laboratory

A one semester laboratory based on quantitative chemical measurements. Experiments include analysis, synthesis and characterization, thermochemistry and chemical kinetics. Computer analysis of data is a key part of all experiments. Prereq or Coreq: CHEM 105 or CHEM 106 or CHEM 111 or ENGR 145.

Dates: June 2 - July 9, 2025

Session: 5 Week Session

Dates: In-person course

Session: On campus

Time: MTWR 1-2pm, lab MTWR 2-5pm

Instructor: TBD

Credits: 2 credits

Department: Chemistry

CHEM 119: Concepts for a Molecular View of Biology I

The first semester of a two-course sequence in elementary inorganic, organic, and biochemistry, intended for nursing students or non-majors. Topics include: atomic theory, the periodic table, chemical bonds, molecular geometry, ideal gas laws, equilibrium and reaction rates, acids and bases, nuclear chemistry, and nomenclature and reactions of organic compounds (including alkyl, aryl, alcohol, carbonyl, and amino compounds). Problems involving numeric computation are emphasized. This course is not open to students with credit for CHEM 105 or CHEM 111.

Dates: June 2 - July 9, 2025

Session: 5 Week Session

Dates: Online course

Session: Online

Time: TBD

Instructor: TBD

Credits: 3 credits

Department: Chemistry

CHEM 121: Concepts for a Molecular View of Biology II

The second course of a two-semester sequence in elementary inorganic, organic, and biochemistry, intended for nursing students or non-majors. Topics include: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, enzyme kinetics, metabolic pathways and bioenergetics, DNA and RNA, methods of molecular biology, and nutrition. Applications to human physiology and medicine emphasized. This course is not open to students with credit for CHEM 223 or CHEM 323. Prereq: CHEM 119.

Dates: July 10 - August 6, 2025

Session: 4 Week Session (2)

Dates: Online course

Session: Online

Time: TBD

Instructor: TBD

Credits: 3 credits

Department: Chemistry

CHEM 223: Introductory Organic Chemistry I

Introductory course for science majors and engineering students. Develops themes of structure and bonding along with elementary reaction mechanisms. Includes treatment of hydrocarbons, alkyl halides, alcohols, and ethers as well as an introduction to spectroscopy. Prereq: CHEM 106 or ENGR 145.

Dates: June 2 - July 9, 2025

Session: 5 Week Session

Dates: In-person course

Session: On campus

Time: MTWRF 10:30am-12:20pm

Instructor: TBD

Credits: 3 credits

Department: Chemistry

CHEM 224: Introductory Organic Chemistry II

Continues and extends themes of structure and bonding from CHEM 223 and continues spectroscopy and more complex reaction mechanisms. Includes treatment of aromatic rings, carbonyl compounds, amines, and selected special topics. Prereq: CHEM 223 or CHEM 323.

Dates: July 10 - August 6, 2025

Session: 4 Week Session (2)

Dates: In-person course

Session: On campus

Time: MTWR 9:30am-12:30pm

Instructor: TBD

Credits: 3 credits

Department: Chemistry

CHEM 233: Introductory Organic Chemistry Laboratory I

An introductory organic laboratory course emphasizing microscale operations. Synthesis and purification of organic compounds, isolation of natural products, and systematic identification of organic compounds by physical and chemical methods. Prereq: (CHEM 106 or ENGR 145) and CHEM 113. Prereq or Coreq: CHEM 223 or CHEM 323.

Dates: June 2 - July 9, 2025

Session: 5 Week Session

Dates: Online course

Session: Online

Time: MTWR 1-2pm, lab MTWR 2-5pm

Instructor: Gregory Tochtrop

Credits: 2 credits

Department: Chemistry

CHEM 233: Introductory Organic Chemistry Laboratory I

An introductory organic laboratory course emphasizing microscale operations. Synthesis and purification of organic compounds, isolation of natural products, and systematic identification of organic compounds by physical and chemical methods. Prereq: (CHEM 106 or ENGR 145) and CHEM 113. Prereq or Coreq: CHEM 223 or CHEM 323.



Dates: June 2 - July 9, 2025

Session: 5 Week Session

Dates: In-person course

Session: On campus

Time: MTWR 1-2pm, lab MTWR 2-5pm

Instructor: TBD

Credits: 2 credits

Department: Chemistry

CHEM 234: Introductory Organic Chemistry Laboratory II

A continuation of CHEM 233, involving multi-step organic synthesis, peptide synthesis, product purification and analysis using sophisticated analytical techniques such as chromatography and magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Prereq: CHEM 233. Prereq or Coreq: CHEM 224

Dates: July 10 - August 6, 2025

Session: 4 Week Session (2)

Dates: Online course

Session: Online

Time: MTWR 1-2pm, lab MTWR 2-5pm

Instructor: Gregory Tochtrop

Credits: 2 credits

Department: Chemistry

CHEM 234: Introductory Organic Chemistry Laboratory II

A continuation of CHEM 233, involving multi-step organic synthesis, peptide synthesis, product purification and analysis using sophisticated analytical techniques such as chromatography and magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Prereq: CHEM 233. Prereq or Coreq: CHEM 224



Dates: July 10 - August 6, 2025

Session: 4 Week Session (2)

Dates: In-person course

Session: On campus

Time: MTWR 1-2pm, lab MTWR 2-5pm

Instructor: TBD

Credits: 2 credits

Department: Chemistry

CHEM 301: Introductory Physical Chemistry I

First of a two-semester sequence covering principles and applications of physical chemistry, intended for chemistry and engineering majors and other students having primary interests in biochemical, biological or life-science areas. States and properties of matter. Thermodynamics and its application to chemical and biochemical systems. Chemical equilibrium. Electrochemistry. Recommended preparation: One year each of undergraduate physics and calculus, preferably including partial derivatives. Prereq: CHEM 106 or ENGR 145.

Dates: June 2 - July 9, 2025

Session: 5 Week Session

Dates: Online course

Session: Online

Time: asynchronous

Instructor: Clemens Burda

Credits: 3 credits

Department: Chemistry

CHEM 302: Introductory Physical Chemistry II

Continuation of CHEM 301. Chemical kinetics and catalysis. Introductory quantum chemistry. Spectroscopy. Statistical thermodynamics. Prereq: CHEM 301 or CHEM 335.

Dates: July 10 - August 6, 2025

Session: 4 Week Session (2)

Dates: Online course

Session: Online

Time: asynchronous

Instructor: Clemens Burda

Credits: 3 credits

Department: Chemistry

CHEM 304: Quantitative Analytical Chemistry

A one-semester laboratory course providing practical experience in the analytical process. Focus is on statistical error analysis of measurements, method validation and instrument calibration, and reporting. Basic laboratory skills are developed and evaluated based on accuracy and precision of measurements. Experiments using titration, spectroscopy, electrochemistry, liquid and gas chromatography, and mass spectrometry are conducted. Prereq: (CHEM 106 or ENGR 145) and CHEM 113. Coreq: CHEM 310.

Dates: June 2 - July 9, 2025

Session: 5 Week Session

Dates: In-person course

Session: On campus

Time: MTWR 1-2pm, lab MTWR 2-5pm

Instructor: TBD

Credits: 3 credits

Department: Chemistry

CHEM 310: Instrumental Analytical Chemistry

A one-semester lecture covering classical and modern aspects of the analytical process; analysis requirements, method selection including capabilities and limitations, sampling and sample processing, measurement data statistics for evaluation of precision and accuracy, method validation, and reporting. Fundamental concepts in equilibrium thermodynamics are covered in the context of chemical analysis. Methods based on titration, spectroscopy, electrochemistry, chromatography, and mass spectrometry are emphasized. Prereq: CHEM 106 and CHEM 113. Coreq: CHEM 304.

Dates: June 2 - July 9, 2025

Session: 5 Week Session

Dates: Online course

Session: Online

Time: asynchronous

Instructor: Anna Samia

Credits: 3 credits

Department: Chemistry

CHEM 328/428: Introductory Biochemistry I

A survey of biochemistry with a strong emphasis on the chemical logic underlying the structure, function, and evolution of biomolecules. Amino acids and protein structure, purification, and analysis. DNA, RNA, genes, and genomes. DNA replication, repair, and recombination. RNA synthesis and processing. Protein synthesis and turnover, control of gene expression. Hemoglobin. Drug development. Enzyme kinetics, catalytic and regulatory strategies. Carbohydrates. Offered as CHEM 328 and CHEM 428. Prereq: CHEM 224 or CHEM 323.

Dates: June 2 - July 9, 2025

Session: 5 Week Session

Dates: Online course

Session: Online

Time: MTWR 1-2:50

Instructor: Rekha Srinivasan

Credits: 3 credits

Department: Chemistry

IHSC 300: Synthesis of Premedical Concepts

This course aims to hone skills necessary to synthesize and integrate knowledge across multiple subject areas, and to assist in preparing for health professional school admission, such as the MCAT. The course is team taught to include faculty expertise in biochemistry, biology, chemistry, English, mathematics, physics, psychological sciences and sociology. Critical analysis and reasoning skills will be emphasized. Completion of introductory courses in all subject areas above is strongly recommended before taking this course. MCAT materials from the AAMC (Association of American Medical Colleges) will be used to guide and enhance a student’s ability to synthesize across many fields, and increase critical reasoning and analytical competencies.


Dates: May 12 - May 30, 2025

Session: May Session

Dates: In-person course

Session: On campus

Time: MTWRF 9:30am-1:30pm

Instructor: Jennifer Butler

Credits: 3 credits

Departments: Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, English, Interdisciplinary Health Sciences, Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, and Statistics, Physics, Psychological Sciences, Sociology

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