Application of fundamental chemistry principles to materials. Emphasis is on bonding and how this relates to the structure and properties in metals, ceramics, polymers and electronic materials. Application of chemistry principles to develop an understanding of how to synthesize materials.
Prereq: CHEM 111 or equivalent.
Dates: June 2 - July 30, 2025
Session: 8 Week Session
Dates: Online course
Session: Online
Time: asynchronous lab and recitation
Instructor: Dan Lacks
Credits: 4 credits
Department: Engineering
An introduction to the analysis, behavior and design of mechanical/structural systems. Course topics include: concepts of equilibrium; geometric properties and distributed forces; stress, strain and mechanical properties of materials; and, linear elastic behavior of elements.
Prereq: PHYS 121.
Dates: June 16 - July 30, 2025
Session: 6 Week Session
Dates: Online course
Session: Online
Time: TWR 5-7:00pm
Instructor: Elias Ali
Credits: 3 credits
Department: Engineering
Modeling and circuit analysis of analog and digital circuits. Fundamental concepts in circuit analysis: voltage and current sources, Kirchhoff’s Laws, Thevenin, and Norton equivalent circuits, inductors capacitors, and transformers. Modeling sensors and amplifiers and measuring DC device characteristics. Characterization and measurement of time dependent waveforms. Transient behavior of circuits. Frequency dependent behavior of devices and amplifiers, frequency measurements. AC power and power measurements. Electronic devices as switches.
Prereq: MATH 122. Prereq or Coreq: PHYS 122.
Dates: June 2 - July 30, 2025
Session: 8 Week Session
Dates: In-person course
Session: On campus
Time: MTW 2:30-4:30pm
Instructor: Chris Zorman
Credits: 4 credits
Department: Engineering